Category: Sample Data

xenoestrogen Manufactured from cholesterol by a woman’s ovaries each month, estrogen circulates in the blood, passes easily in and out of all organs and tissues and is eventually metabolised by enzymes in the liver. There are 3 major types of estrogen that are naturally produced by the body. Here are some of the many symptoms of poor estrogen balance


3 Major Types of Estrogen:

1) Estrone (E1): The main form of estrogen produced during menopause. Produced mainly in your liver and fat cells. Since toxins such as xenoestrogens, heavy metals, and other pollutants that directly affect hormone levels are stored in your liver and fat cells, individuals with higher levels of toxicity have altered and contaminated forms of estrone.

2) Estradiol (E2): The major estrogen made in the ovaries. This hormone is known to play a huge role in energy, sleeping, pleasure, sex drive, and healthy bones, skin, & hair. It also helps support the mucous membranes, providing moisturization for the skin, lips, eyes, GI tract, and vagina. Estradiol is a very strong growth stimulator and elevated levels are linked to greater risk of breast, uterine or overian cancers.

3) Estriol: (E3): Made in the liver and breast cells. Also, primarily made by the placenta during pregnancy. It is suggested that this form of estrogen is a key regulator in determining which cells are turned on or off to estrogen. This is a highly protective form of estrogen that reduces cellular growth factors and other estrogens. Estriol reduces the more aggressive estradiol and protects against radiation induced cancer of the breast.

We should normally have a ratio of 90% Estriol, 7% Estradiol and 3% Estrone in what is referred to as the Tri-Estrogen Formula.

The Problem with Low Estradiol:

Estradiol works to boost serotonin levels naturally (1). When this hormone is out of balance, serotonin levels drop. In order to counteract this, the adrenals kick out norepinephrine (Nr) and epinephrine (Ep), which have natural balancing mechanisms.

However, if you are under chronic stress or have weak adrenals, Ep levels will drop, skewing it’s natural balance with Nr. Here are the symptoms that follow:

Low Serotonin: Headaches, depression, fatigue, low sex drive, insomnia, & hot flashes.

Imbalance of Nr & Ep: Hot flashes, insomnia and anxiety.

Dangers Behind Hormone Replacement:

When hormones such as thyroid, estrogen, & progesterone are supplemented through prescriptions, creams, & contraceptives such as birth control pills, they are abnormally flooding their body with an unnatural amount of hormones (2, 3). This causes several responses within the body:

1) Reduced Receptor Sites: In response, the cell receptor sites for the particular hormone are reduced in an attempt to protect from too much hormone interaction. Therefore, one could have plenty of thyroid hormone, progesterone, etc, in the bloodstream, yet have poor cellular sensitivity.

2) Hormone Regulation is Altered: The hypothalamus and pituitary gland, key centers in the brain that control hormone secretion, are in a constant communication with hormonal cells to regulate and control the amounts of circulating hormones. If the brain senses that there is not enough hormone, it will signal for more production and secretion.

If it senses that there is too much, as is the case with hormone replacement, than it will slow down production. After a while, the constant bombardment of artificial hormone will shut down production of the natural hormone all together. The gland then atrophies and loses all function, making the hormone creams and pills a necessity.